Adam Banatwala ’22, and Esther Rønn ’23

Topological Data Analysis and Ant Interaction Networks

Adam Banatwala ’22, Mathematics and Finance
Esther Rønn ’23, Physics and Mathematics
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Laura Murray, Mathematics and Computer Science

Our research group used topological data analysis (TDA) to quantify the movement and behavior of ants in a colony.

We extracted higher dimensional networks from point cloud data collected from Dr. James Waters’ lab. Varying the proximity parameter in this construction gives a sequence of networks. We analyzed the enduring topological features of these networks, and how these features evolve over time as the ants move in the colony. Both the experimental and null model simulation data sets were analyzed in this way.

The computational work was performed largely by code written in R and Python by the group itself.

Poster Presentation: Thursday, April 28, 2 – 4 p.m.

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Mathematics Projects

13th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity

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