Anthony Tinaro ’25

Anthony Tinaro '25

The Pirate Knight
Anthony Tinaro ’25, Studio Art major
Faculty Mentor, Dr. Elizabeth Welch, Art and Art History
Anthony Tinaro’s comic book, The Pirate Knight, is a swashbuckling fantasy, a creative journey through another world with striking parallels to our own. While his characters and imagery are imaginative, they are based on his interest in art historical, aesthetic, and philosophical concepts. Chief among them is the sublime, the overpowering sense of the infinite that was most insistently explored as part of nineteenth-century Romanticism. Using expressive drawings and punchy dialogue, Tinaro takes reader-viewers on a journey into the unknown to rediscover heroic virtues across time, space, and even dimensions.

Oral Presentation: Thursday, April 27 at 1:12 p.m.

Art and Art History projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity