Research Conferences and Publications

Providence College provides financial support to full-time undergraduate students who are presenting research/creative work at academic/professional conferences and for related publication fees. The maximum amount of support available from this fund to a single student is up to $750 per fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th). Additional funds may be available for students with demonstrated financial need. Approval of student funding requests will depend on the availability of funds within the budget. Students that co-present with a faculty member or are mentored/sponsored by a faculty member are eligible to apply for funding.

Funding for Conferences and Publication Fees

All requests for conference/travel funds must be approved. Student can apply through the Faculty/Student Resources and Opportunities page. Please sign in as an internal user. Completed application include the signature of your sponsoring faculty member. Applications for conferences should be submitted at least four weeks prior to the conference or travel. Publication fees can be paid directly by the College or by reimbursement.

This fund cannot be used to pay to publish in predatory journals, including any publication listed in the Philips Memorial Library database for predatory journals.

Budget Planning for Conferences

A student must be able to pay for the majority of the travel expenses up front, and expenses will be reimbursed to the student upon return. Airfare, train fare, hotel, and registration fees are exceptions to this, and may be paid for in advance by the College if the application is accepted. Once you have been approved for funding, please contact Amy Goggin,, if you would like to book your airfare and hotel through the College or if you want any of your expenses to be reimbursed prior to the conference.

Student travel funds will not cover any expenses for alcohol or tobacco products, or other personal items.

Individuals may pursue travel arrangements independently or through the Center for Engaged Learning.

Use of a personal auto is permitted. However, the mileage expense authorized cannot exceed the price of an airline ticket. The mileage rate, effective January 1, 2009, is $0.50 per mile. Gas receipts may be submitted in lieu of mileage, but the two may not be combined.

The maximum allowance for meals is up to 50% of the per diem rate as determined by the U.S. General Services Administration.

The maximum allowance for airport parking in Rhode Island is $75 per week (Long Term Express Lot E at T.F. Green Airport). The maximum allowance for airport parking in Massachusetts is $108 per week (Economy Parking at Logan Airport).

Additional Information
Academic departments, programs, and schools may also contribute to the student travel expenses. If any additional travel support is expected from an outside source, please note this on your application. Please make every effort to reduce expenses (by sharing hotel rooms and transportation costs with other students, for example) so that a larger number of students can be funded.
Students should contact the event organizers to see if there are discounts, scholarships, or volunteer opportunities available for undergraduate participants to help defray costs.

Providence College will not reimburse expenses that are supported through grant/external funding.

Post Travel

By receiving student travel funding, individual contributors, under a faculty sponsor, agree to present at the annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity if class schedule permits.

Within two weeks of the completion of travel, submit the following:

A travel expense report​ with original receipts for all expenses incurred.
A copy of your paper/presentation; electronic copies are preferred.
A brief summary statement indicating what you found most valuable about the conference you attended. No reimbursement will be processed unless accompanied by this summary statement.

The Center for Engaged Learning may post anonymous quotes from the summary statements on the Providence College Web site and in publication materials.

Please contact Amy Goggin, Assistant Director, Center for Engaged Learning, for assistance at 401.865.1834 or

Amy Goggin

Assistant Director of the Center for Engaged Learning

Library 212