Jacqueline Elia ’23

Jacqeline Elia

Redefining Female Power and Influence in the Early Roman Empire
Jacqueline Elia ’23, History and Classics major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Melissa Huber, History and Classics

Women are often absent from the ancient Roman literary historical record. Jackie’s research turns to the inscriptional, archaeological remains to add to our larger understanding of the lives of women in the Early Roman Empire. Through a series of case studies on the public contributions of women in cities around the Empire, including GIS maps to track the visibility of female benefactions, Jackie convincingly shows that women in the Early Roman Empire possessed more agency and societal influence than the literary history records.

Poster Presentation: Wednesday, April 26, 2 – 4 p.m.

History and Classics projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity