Molly Kerr ’24

Teachers in Control of Mental Health Issues that Affect Adolescents’ Performance
Molly Kerr ’24, English/Secondary Education and Psychology major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Comfort Ateh, Secondary Education

Mental health issues have risen dramatically among adolescents over the last couple of years, which has negatively affected the performance in education, especially minority students of low socioeconomic status. This is mostly due to the lack of resources. In an independent course that focused on the effect of mental health on student performance, I explored how high school teachers can support students with mental health issues. I examined strategies through the lens of recognition, intervention, and consistency that schools and educators can employ in supporting students, especially minority students who lack the resources to confront mental problems.

Poster Presentation: Thursday, April 27, 2 – 4 p.m.

Education projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity