Ryan Fodero ’23

Ryan Fodero '23

Comparing Hospital Costs & Length of Stay for Cancer Patients in New York State Comprehensive Cancer Centers vs. Non-Designated Academic Centers & Community Hospitals
Ryan Fodero ’23, Economics and Biology major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Bailey, Economics

This paper explores differences in costs and lengths of stay for cancer patients admitted to National Cancer Institute designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, non-designated academic medical centers, and community hospitals in New York State. Using patient-level data from the New York State Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System Hospital Inpatient Discharges dataset for the years 2017-2019, I employ ordinary least squares and Poisson regressions to determine that inpatient costs were 27% higher, but length of stay was 12% shorter, in comprehensive cancer centers than in non-designated academic medical centers and community hospitals. The results imply that, in New York State, comprehensive cancer centers may be a magnet for more complex oncology cases and administer more expensive treatments. That expertise, however, is probably responsible for more efficient care delivery and thorough discharge planning, allowing for shorter average lengths of stay.

Poster Presentation: Wednesday, April 26, 2 – 4 p.m.

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity