Sarah McLaughlin ’23

Russia the Bear, Putin the Pig: Russian Nationalism and the Imagined Community of Memes
Sarah McLaughlin ’23, Political Science and English/Creative Writing major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Casey Stevens, Political Science

How is Russian nationalism practiced through sharing memes? Memes are an online form of communication relying on replicable, recognizable images and text. Often altered to express satire, irony, or commentary on new events, memes transmit, complicate, and challenge predominant discourses. This research involves digital ethnography of the Russian forum Dvach (Двач). These memes articulate nationalism that bridges ideological divides and construct meaning through “flagging,” making national identity conspicuous in online engagement, which often involves the practice of othering. If memes perpetuate othering and foster nationalist sentiment, they may also be used for critiquing nationalism, challenging authority, and initiating change.

Oral Presentation: Wednesday, April 26 at 12:30 p.m.

Political Science projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity