Ashley Seldon ’24

Ashley Seldon

An Alternative to Increasing Racially Diverse Teachers to Enhance Performance
Ashley Seldon ’24, English/Secondary Education major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Comfort Ateh, Secondary Education

Given the increasing number of historically marginalized students in our school systems while the teaching staff remains mostly White, it is imperative to prepare teachers to be culturally competent. Through an independent study, I studied the impact of racially diverse teachers on student performance. I examined effective pedagogies in engaging multicultural students and focused on Geneva Gay’s Culturally Responsive Teaching pedagogy (2010). Through a humanistic approach to teaching that offers a different perspective from the mainstream Eurocentric lens, teachers could employ different practices that will enhance the teaching of English Language for high performance and success by minority students.

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Poster Presentation: Tuesday, April 25, 2 – 4 p.m.

Education projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity