Maria Graziano ’23

Maria Graziano

Scouts BSA: A Descriptive Study of the Scouting Program
Maria Graziano ’23, Biology and Psychology major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kelly A. Warmuth, Psychology

The values of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are strongly aligned with developmental literature regarding protective traits for youths. In order to assess the presence of some of these protective traits in its participants, established measures were used to create a descriptive profile of the scouts, staff, and adult leaders attending Scout camp. Results showed that Scouts who were more psychologically engaged and connected to their troop showed more positive protective traits. Additionally, male and female participants did not differ on these traits, reflecting adult leader perceptions of the participants.

Poster Presentation: Tuesday, April 25 at 12:18 p.m.

Psychology projects

14th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Creativity