Mary Grace Murphy ’26

Making Sense of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the history of universalism
Mary Grace Murphy ’26, Biology and Health Policy and Management major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tuba Agartan, Health Policy and Management

Poster Presentation: Wednesday, April 24, 1:30 – 3 p.m.

Mary Grace Murphy, a sophomore at Providence College, is actively involved in research focusing on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) under Dr. Tuba Agartan’s guidance. She supports the development of Dr. Agartan’s book on the social aspects of UHC, titled The Social Life of Universal Health Care (UHC), specifically focusing on its evolution and global influence post-COVID-19 pandemic. Their work includes analyzing the strategic dynamics within global social policy, particularly how historical and current choices impact UHC’s trajectory. Mary Grace’s contribution extends to synthesizing research, reviewing manuscripts, and preparing presentations, notably at the ISA-Northeast 2023 Conference on universalism in health. This research aims to enhance understanding of UHC’s development, emphasizing its significance in ensuring comprehensive health services without financial hardship, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 3.

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