Mirelle Kingsley ’24

Aerobic Scope and Muscle Physiology
Mirelle Kingsley ’24, Biology/Secondary Education major
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Waters, Biology

Poster Presentation: Wednesday, April 24, 1:30 – 3 p.m.

 In this project, I recruited student athlete participants from the women’s ice hockey team who we’re training over the summer to measure the effects of increasing muscle composition and performance on their resting energy expenditure and aerobic scope. Data was collected over the course of 4 weeks, while the student athletes followed a strength training program. Using the Apollo system, I measured their resting metabolic rate by having the participants sit in a tent. Then, I measured their active metabolic rates using the Apollo system with the VO2 max mask while the participants were on a stationary bike. This research connected physiology, exercise science and health science which help shatter myths and educate student athletes about how our bodies really work.

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