Undergraduate Research and Creative Academic Year Grants

With an appreciation and understanding of the impact of undergraduate research on student success, the Center for Engaged Learning, is pleased to announce a competitive grants program to support undergraduate scholarly research, creative and/or artistic work during the academic year.

The Benefits of Undergraduate Research
Students who participate in undergraduate research:

  • develop a one-on-one mentoring relationship with a Providence College faculty member;
  • engage in the creation of new knowledge and apply that knowledge to the real-world;
  • acquire a deeper understanding of their respective academic discipline;
  • enhance critical skills in communication, independent thinking, creativity and problem-solving, and;
  • enhance academic credentials to support applications for scholarships, awards, career employment and entry into graduate and professional schools.

More Information
Please email undergraduate.research@providence.edu if you have any questions about this program.

  • Senior, Junior, or Sophomore standing during the 2024-25 academic year
  • Students from all academic disciplines are encouraged to apply
  • All Providence College full-time faculty members are eligible to serve as mentors. The eligibility of full-time instructional staff members to mentor will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Projects may vary from an idea that a student or group of students would like to pursue, to a joint student-faculty project, to a project that is part of the faculty member’s ongoing research program. In cases where the project is part of a faculty member’s ongoing research program, the student(s) should clearly describe his/her/their unique contribution.
  • Group projects are expected to involve up to 5 students, although larger groups will be considered in exceptional circumstances. Groups are required to submit a work plan describing how each member will contribute to the research. One student must be designated as the corresponding group member: this student will be in charge of communicating with the Center for Engaged Learning in regards to all aspects of the grant’s administration.
  • Awards are made to students. For group projects, a single award is shared equally among all students.
  • Students may only be listed on one application (individual or group) per funding round.

Funds are intended to cover costs related to conducting student research. Individual awards are expected to be up to $500, although funding may be granted up to a maximum of $1,000 in exceptional circumstances and when funds are available. Group awards are expected to range from $500 – $2500, depending on the size and scope of the project.

Items that may be funded (if not already supported through other sources) include:

  • General, lab, or media supplies, or other expendable materials related to research;
  • Archival copying, photocopying, printing, postage, telephone or communication expenses related to research/creative project or presentation of findings;
  • Software, data sets, books, and small equipment, if necessary to conduct research and otherwise unavailable; and
  • Travel to libraries, archives, museums, field or research sites, laboratories, research centers, or approved educational institutions to conduct research

Grants cannot support student stipends/wages or travel to present research.

All funds must be expended no later than June 1, 2025.

Grant Requirements

All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report detailing the results of their research project at the end of the semester for which the grant is awarded, even if the project is still ongoing. In addition, students are expected to contribute a poster or oral presentation on their research at a campus‐wide undergraduate research forum. Student applicants and faculty mentors should read carefully the “Certifications” section of the application for additional expectations of students and faculty mentors.

Grant recipients whose projects involve human subjects, animals, or international travel must also receive approval from the Institutional Review Board, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, or Center for Global Education, respectively, before funds will be dispersed.

Application Procedures

Students who wish to be considered for undergraduate research grant support must complete the Undergraduate Research Grants Academic Year Program online form. Paper applications will not be accepted.

Application Deadlines

The first round deadline for this academic year is Sunday, Jan. 26 at 11:59 p.m. 

Application Review and Notification

Completed applications will be reviewed by members of the Undergraduate Research Committee and notification of the committee’s decision will normally follow by the end of each month. Individual and group applications will be reviewed together. Among other things, the Committee will review:

The potential of applicants to successfully complete the project (e.g., their qualifications and training).

The extent to which is the application is complete, clear, and convincing.

The extent to which the project is feasible and will result in presentation(s), publication(s), or exhibit(s).

The necessity of the funds requested and the potential impact of the funding.

Dr. Jennifer Van Reet

Director of the Center for Engaged Learning
Professor of Psychology

Library 211

Amy Goggin

Assistant Director of the Center for Engaged Learning

Library 212